My first 6 months in an apprenticeship with ZiaBia

Blog | ZiaBia Team

I’ve been working with ZiaBia as an Event Support Consultant since December 2021. Not a day has gone by that I haven’t learned something new about the events industry or the professional workplace as a whole. The team at ZiaBiahave kindly given me the reins for this month’s blog post. So I wanted to write about my experience of my apprenticeship so far.

So, what led me to ZiaBia…

Why did you start an apprenticeship at ZiaBia?

After graduating from university having studied Modern Languages, I was still uncertain which career path I wanted to take. What I did know was that I wanted to do something which would allow me to develop real-world skills for the professional workplace. While I had learnt a lot academically at university, I was a little anxious about stepping into the world of work, and the new responsibilities that this would involve.

An apprenticeship in Business Administration struck me as an ideal way of entering the workplace. It would allow me to blend practical experience with structured tuition.

As for the industry, my aspiration to work in events had been growing for a while. I had volunteered at music and film festivals where I loved having a glimpse behind the scenes and being able to contribute to the complex workings of the event machine.

Keen to dive further into the world of events, I applied for the apprenticeship role at ZiaBia.

What have you learned about the events industry?

In only my second week on the job, I was involved in on-site management for a gala dinner. This was the perfect way to see how all the pieces of the event planning process come together.

I learned that relationships are an integral part of the process! By observing my colleagues talking to clients, suppliers, and venue contacts, I saw the importance of collaboration and clear communication in an event with many moving parts.

I also saw how the relationships ZiaBia had built with each contact over months (or even years!) had led to a trust and understanding which allowed for effective cooperation.

This also illustrated to me the specific role which an agency can play, in facilitating discussion between different parties and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. On this topic…

What have you learned about working at an agency?

Because we serve as intermediaries between clients and suppliers, I have learned how important it is to adhere to consistency in our methods of communication and documentation. If expectations are to be met on all sides, we have to ensure that information is not lost in translation. And also that the client’s or supplier’s wishes are not misinterpreted.

As ZiaBia is a full-service agency, the role has exposed me to a wide variety of different tasks. This has ranged from venue finding and pre-event logistics to on-site management and debriefing.

Because each day brings something different, this experience has taught me how to manage priorities and adapt my working style. This variety has also proved to be one of my favourite aspects of the job.

Would you recommend an apprenticeship to others?


If, like me, you are looking to enter a new industry, an apprenticeship provides a great way to access training from two different sides. You gain a qualification as well as a wealth of practical experience!

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Paola Davis

Senior Project Manager
Author Bio:
I have been working in the events industry for the past 15 years in various guises. In-house corporate and non-profit, freelancer and co-founding an events trade show. Working with ZiaBia gives me a fantastic opportunity to bring all this experience together.

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