ZiaBia Events Consultancy – 2019 Year In Review

Blog | ZiaBia Team

2019 genuinely has been a ‘year of change’ in a very positive way.  Debbie and I could not be prouder of how things have progressed for ZiaBia – our event management company, which is not so little anymore!


We have had many highlights: from being a finalist at the Business Leader Awards – Business of the Year – which we were shocked about initially and then screaming with joy! To opening our new office in Swindon, alongside the existing base in operation in Bristol – to employing 4 new people and expanding our team and experience within it.

This year we have grown as a business and delivered outstanding event management services for our clients all across the UK and also in Europe. Team ZiaBia have travelled 4,632 event miles during the year – this makes me feel exhausted at the thought of it!

Event Locations

We have delivered events in London, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Warwick, Oxford, Bedford, Bristol and back to London again! The team travelled as far as Warsaw passing through Berlin along the way.  We are excited to see where 2020 will take us now!

Team ZiaBia

If you want to learn more about our team, we have started publishing our ‘Employee stories’ on our social media channels and on the ‘About” section of the website – as we are proud of who we are and want you to get to know a little more about the team you do or will possibly work with!

So thank you to everyone who has supported us in so many ways.  From reading our updates and posts, for those who have worked alongside us, with us and for us.  We are genuinely grateful for all you do.

To our clients – present and future – we do what we do for you.

Happy New Year everyone.  May 2020 be as good a year as the last and bring with it lots of laughter and happiness for us all!

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Vicky Gardner

Author Bio:
I have worked in the Events industry since 2005 and can honestly say I don’t think any two days are ever the same!! One of my passions in life is planning and this industry allows me to do this on a daily basis, while meeting a huge variety of different people – from all walks of life – all over the world.

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