Peerfest – Manchester September 2023

Case Study | Onsite Event Management

Event Details

  • Event: Mind PeerFest23
  • Client: Mind
  • Date: Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th September 2023
  • Venue: The Lowry, Manchester
  • Attendees: 200
ZiaBia have worked with Mind since 2016 and have assisted in the delivery of their annual PeerFest event for seven years. ZiaBia also managed a range of other events for Mind over the years, including a series of online and hybrid events.

Event format

A unique, festival-style one-day event full of activities supporting peer support and lived experience – from stand-up comedy workshops to Bollywood dancing, art installations and workshops on criminal justice and mental health, digital inclusion, peer support in racialised communities and much more. The compère for the day was renowned drag artist Liquorice Black who guided attendees throughout the day and entertainment included music from Brass, Brass, Brass!. The event closed with the Marsh Awards Ceremony which celebrated community-led groups who come together for peer support both face-to-face and online in England and Wales.

ZiaBia role

ZiaBia were the lead agency and managed all communications with the venue and AV supplier. We were in charge of the onsite delivery and acted as the main point of contact for the event. Our role also included risk and budget management.


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